Jumat, 02 Desember 2016

your favorite place you've traveled to

Hi friends all

Before I tell about the place that I will visit, may I introduce a little about my personal data, introduce my name FARIH AL FIKRI origin from North Kayong, I studied at the university forestry faculties Tanjongpura. Here I will share a story about a place to be visited.

Have you ever thought to will travel to where? Yes of course in the minds of your mind is to walk into a beautiful place, in addition to removing the burden of mind, eliminating the work exhausted, and dizziness due to many problems. Many of us are busy with career world stress and need a refresher mind new ones. And when we hear the word streets of course we are very happy, especially accompanied with a special person in our lives, yes of course it is a special person our spouse. Haha if that has not got a life partner how? Relax nah friend or friends we can be friends for the invite on the way. Well just on the point I want to tell you about a place I would go from the first child.

I first wanted to go to a place where all Muslims flocked went before her, I wanted to invite all my parents. And until now I have not been able to realize my dream is for the pilgrimage to my parents, why I chose Mecca as places should I visit? Because of the first ideals I wish my parents happy. Therefore, at the moment I want college determined to succeed in the future in order to find a job and be successful in order to dispatch both my parents, and to see them happy and proud, because seeing my parents proud I would feel happy.

So this story may be useful and motivate us all

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