Sabtu, 17 Desember 2016

A letter to your younger self and your 10-years-later self

Hi all
 How are you? Certainly good '' just right, yes thank goodness then, I'll just tell the letter 10 years to come, the letter what is it? Yes it letter for the future. Immediately, we see the following for 10 years in the future I want to be better than ever, want to be personally responsible for all the trust that is given, the happy parents, a serious relationship with a partner to the marriage, and wanted to make to be successful. I first wanted to beatify both old JV, which on this day I have not been happy parents, my stubborn person, and I always get angry when accused of being a no-no. Therefore I am often offended, because I wanted to change my behalf, if I have one please pardon. Yes we do not know someone's future so what and how? So we have to trust and try to arrange a future for us together, working hard to achieve goals that we have, make sure that we are able to move forward in the future. This was the letter the next 10 years I Allah does not change a people unless the people themselves who changed his fate. So much from me I thank you, I end wabillahitaufikwalhidayah Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh.

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