Jumat, 09 Desember 2016

pidto tentang the importance of forests in the future

Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
For a moment, let the happy and glorious occasion, we offer our worship and praise Allah SWT who has the pleasure they give all the grace and guidance. here I will bring a speech about "the importance of forests in the future"

Comrades and gentlemen
Actually, almost most of us knew that the forests that we often refer to as the lungs of the world is an important component in the survival of living beings. Of course, if it is said to the survival of living beings, it is not only applicable to humans, but also animals and plants and other living creatures. But it is likely because men have the sense that making it free and strong feeling, often felt that the forest is only intended for survival alone. so often happens, the forest loss from the earth is of course largely due to human activity itself. when in fact we know very well that humans actually descended to earth to serve as the caliph or leader who has the duty to maintain and care for the earth, instead of destroying it just to fulfill his greed.

As for the point of the importance of forests among others:
1. as the lungs of the world
It means that forests can absorb carbon dioxide gases that are harmful to human. remember the importance of the role of forests as this one, then we must be able to forest keeping us. Try imagine if all of our forests destroyed or damaged, we will get clean air from where?
2. as a habitat for flora and fauna
Know that forests are not only the designation for a man, flora and fauna also deserve to benefit the forest as a habitat or home for them all. Therefore we should not spoil their habitat, forest if we become damaged then where they want to live? It is our duty to maintain and oversee the destruction of our forests from prolonged
3. The water storage
Forest functions that are so beneficial to the life to come is the forest as a water storage volumes so great. Rainwater that falls to the earth will be stored in the roots of the trees in the forest. These benefits are felt when the rainy season, the forest can be used as flood control.
4. The disaster control
Forests can be in control of disasters such as floods and landslides. Flooding occurs because the volume of water that fell to earth so much that the water flow is not able to load, where the forest is used to control flooding by absorbing water pumped into the roots of the trees. Similarly, where the landslide, the existence of sustainable forest will minimize the incident.
5. reduce pollution and air pollution
Forests can absorb gases that became the source of pollution and air pollution such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and others. These gases are very harmful to humans, especially when the gases are already at a level above the normal threshold.
From the above conclusion that the importance of forests thereby large for human survival itself, of course, we as beings who have been endowed by reason of course and think correctly, that clearing forests, burning of illegal deforestation is a crime that should not be done by the withdrawal man should. Humans should know very well the limits that should not be passed. Keep in mind the knowledge that current forest is not the absolute property of people living today, but more than that is a surrogate should we keep the survival of our future children and grandchildren will have a better life and more natural.
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen.
That's all that I can say.

Akhirul Kalam.

Wabillahi Taufiq Wal Hidayah.

Wassalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

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